Saturday, January 25, 2020

Can You Afford a Miracle Machine?

Can You Afford a Miracle Machine?

I have a very valuable GIFT for you.

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This special GIFT is the truth that can enrich and extend your life, namely...

The truth is, you can’t afford to NOT have your own Avacen "Miracle Machine."

Did you know that the average time in a hospital is 4 days? 

So the average cost of a hospital stay is $16,000 which is 4X the cost of the Avacen "Miracle Machine."

Isn't your quality of life worth more than $3995?

Everything actually has two price tags--a visible tag, and an invisible price tag (not so obvious) of the greater "hidden" cost of NOT taking an important action.

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E.g. the cost to fix your car brakes might be $400, but the invisible cost to NOT fix them could be thousands of dollars from an accident, or even cost you or someone else their LIFE!

What do you think?

What costs less—repair, maintenance and prevention now, or serious repair later?

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That's why I say that you can NOT afford to NOT own a Health Restoration Wellness Machine. 

Too much is at stake, including your better, healthier future.

On a scale of zero to ten, just how important is your health to you?

Isn't REAL wealth your health?

Isn't your health priceless?
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Is reactivating your body's ability to heal itself, on top of the more immediate benefits of getting out of pain, more energy, sleeping better, better memory, etc. worth 50 cents per treatment?

The cost of using this for ten years is the same as the average cost for one day in the hospital.

You already like to SAVE TIME and MONEY, right?

1. Using your Avacen could save your LIFE (it’s super convenient)

2. Using your Avacen could save you $20,000+ in probable medications and medical bills (the average deductible is $4,328 for an individual and $8,352 for families)

3. Using your Avacen will save you from PAIN and inflammation which is the driving force behind most diseases such as Arthritis, Alzheimer's, Diabetes, Cancer, Heart attacks, High blood pressure, etc.

4. Using your Avacen could save you TIME from seeing doctors and being pressured into taking medications that have serious side effects, including disability and death

Millions of people are already spending $100 per month or more on 
medications and/or supplements (how much are you spending?). 

Just $100 a month adds up to $12,000 in ten years, right? 

Isn't investing $3995 for your Avacen more affordable and a better investment than $12,000?

Everyone knows that where there's a will, there's a way.
Image result for where there is a will there's a way

So get creative in making a way to get the money to own this incredibly valuable "Miracle Wellness Machine"because you’re worth it!

Would you say $4000 was "too expensive" for a $40,000 new car? 

Isn’t your health worth more than ANY car?

Owning your own Avacen is more like owning and enjoying a Rolls Royce for just $4000.

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What's really expensive, is any DISEASE that’s ripping you off, STEALING your quality of life. 

What's really expensive is time in the hospital.

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What's really expensive is an early funeral.

What's really expensive (and depressing) is spending the rest of your life in a nursing home where they don't really care about you, and conditions are often horrible.

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So if you don't have room on one or more credit cards, here are some ideas that can help you get your Avacen "Miracle Machine."

1.  Find other financing, such as your bank, apply for a new credit card, borrow from an IRA or 401-K, or get an equity loan on your house or car

2. Sell something, such as any gold or silver

3. Use a company that can facilitate people donating to you to help you in your situation, cause or project. Millions of people have already done this using GoFundMe. 

4. Borrow money or ask someone who trusts you to use their credit card

5. Get it for "free" (i.e. no money out of pocket) by earning it by promoting it before you buy your own. Plus you can earn money by charging people for treatments

The only reason everyone does not already own an Avacen "Miracle Machine," is because either they don't know about it yet, or they are stuck in the assumption that it’s financially out of reach.

So be the HERO for yourself and your family!

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Tell yourself: "Over, under, around or through, whatever it takes, I WILL DO." (to get your own "Miracle Wellness Machine")

So just make it happen, as fast as possible.


Because you and your family are important, and all of you deserve to get the amazing life-saving and life-enhancing benefits from using this phenomenal "Miracle Wellness Machine."

I promise you that you'll discover like I did, and thousands of others already have (after EIGHT MILLION treatments), that this is the very best investment you can make into your health and healthier happier future.

If you want to see more stories of astounding results from this amazing machine, visit these sites below, as well as do your own research on Youtube which has 100's of testimonials related to using the Avacen.


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