$100,000 in just 4 hours
per week???
[I know this is long, but trust me, it's worth reading every word because it could put you on the FAST TRACK to earn $100,000]
Can you visualize THIS, with YOUR name on it?

How would
you FEEL, if by working just 4 hours a week, YOU got paid
$100,000 per year?
Tim Ferris
with his popular best selling book
So is that
really possible, to work just
4 hours
a week and earn $100,000 per year?
Yes it
absolutely is, but honestly, it is
for most people, for at least 3
that I'll disclose toward the end.
But YOU,
you commit
to it, and IF you know the right
which I'm going to give you for FREE!
Do you agree?
Can you love Being THE
With my help, it is REALISTIC that YOU can
BE the EXCEPTION and do this.
I say
that YOU can BE THE EXCEPTION BECAUSE I'm going to
show you EXACTLY HOW you actually CAN earn over $100,000 per year with
working just 4 hours per week, IF...
IF you are
interested, and willing to commit to exactly follow my proven "Impossible
to Fail" formula.
work for you BECAUSE it's already worked
for me and
thousands of others just like you.
If you're
not interested, or just don't believe
this, than
just DELETE this now, ok? Maybe the
will work out for you.
But if you
DO want to play in this Super-bowl
Freedom game with me as your coach
and cheer
leader, with a guarantee to WIN (i.e.
a $100K
income working 4 hours per week), then
keep reading,
ok? And I'll show you the way
because I
KNOW the way!
I can show
you the way to do this because I've
earned as
much as $100,000 per MONTH.
I am
blessed to be among the top 1% of the top
1% of
earners in this industry (I admit I did
have great
timing, good luck and God's grace
in my
That huge
win of earning $100,000 a month, was
another company that did have extraordinary
restoring products...and Anovite has even
products and a better pay plan!
So it's
going to be easier.
And yes, I
admit I did work more than 4 hours a
because I wanted to go fast, not slow.
But I'm
going to explain how you can actually
do this in
as little as just 4 hours a week, ok?
Ready to
learn how?
Let's start
with a very useful analogy--a simple
deck of
Have you
played card games before?
I used to a
lot when I was a kid. I
But before
we get into how a simple deck of cards
can be a
model for your winning business, get
ready to
smile when you read about how a deck
of cards
can illustrate a marriage!

Did you
think that was funny? A bit brutal, and a bit sad, but still funny!
So in most
games, what cards are the best ones to have if you really have to win?
If you have
all 4 aces, what's your chances of winning?
When you
have an ace up your sleeve, that's a good start!
But when
you have FOUR aces, it's impossible to lose.
aces, you know you are going to WIN--WIN--WIN!
If you want
a sure bet, a guaranteed huge WIN of
income per year, all you need to do is...
Just find
FOUR ACES in your "deck of cards" (people), and have them follow the
same impossible to fail formula with their deck of cards.
Following your 4 hours per week formula, you might get
lucky and find your 4 ACES in the first ten people you invite to take a look at your
"star ship" Enterprise (business).
More likely is that you
will have to go through half or maybe all of your "52 cards" to
locate the four aces that are hiding somewhere in your deck...but
what the heck, IT'S WORTH IT!
So what exactly is an
"ACE" in your Triple AAA+
Enterprise? (AAA = Awesome Anovite Adventure!)
An "ACE" is
ANYONE who commits to, and actually DOES what you did, which is to go
card by card, without prejudice (pre-judging) through THEIR deck of people
they know, until
they find THEIR four aces like you did.
Finding 4 ACES is inevitable, as
long as you stay in the game and don't quit.
It's impossible to not
find your 4 ACES if you follow my proven "Impossible
to Fail" formula!
Of course it takes
But ANYONE who actually
commits to 4 hours a week,
and has the integrity to
keep their commitment, absolutely WILL find their 4
I promise!
Of course if you want
this to happen for you
faster, invest more than just 4 hours a week.
I invest at least 4 hours
per DAY--often 12 hours
per day.
So if at all possible,
I highly recommend that you invest as much time into this as you can because you will
get to where you want to go a lot faster! Makes sense? Makes more dollars too!
So do you
want to see the math of how this works?
This simple 2 step formula is
based on 4 by 4's--not a 4 by 4 piece of lumber used in building
houses, but this is a 4 by 4 model of building a business that
will pay you $100,000 per year.
STEP 1: IF you are willing to commit to
BE THE EXCEPTION, then you will find your 4 ACES by INVESTING your 4
hours per week searching
for your 4 ACES by going through "your deck."
For me, it's FUN, because it's
like digging for buried Treasure!
Going through your deck means INVITING (NOT
selling) people to take a look and maybe discover
why you are passionate and committed to this and why they should join the
party and you in this "Star Ship Enterprise Adventure" to make a difference and make a great
You INVITE them to LOOK at 3 things
It's as simple as ABC:
A) LOOK at THIS 4 ACES FORMULA (just forward
this email to them
that you are reading or send them
to a website that has this on it).
C) LOOK at WHO the people are behind this business,
including Dr. Kleinsmith and me (Ray Gebauer) because the WHO is more important than the WHAT (the
Product and Pay Plan).
If the people do not have integrity and competence,
it will not last.
So can you do that? Just INVITE people to look at those 3 things? Not
too hard, is it?
2: Support
your ACES to do exactly what YOU did in Step 1--just
follow this simple fool proof 4 ACE formula. Like playing
follow the leader!
You will be disappointed that most people
who look like and commit to being an ACE, really are not
a TRUE ACE because they will
not have the integrity to keep their commitment and follow
this 4 ACE plan of doing what you did in Step One, for
one of 3 reasons (covered later).
But no problem—just remember this…

Just keep turning over your cards in this
exciting Superbowl "game" until you find a REAL ACE.
just wrote this cute poem for you:
A REAL ACE WILL get, their 4 ACES!
It's just matter of TIME!
So all hands on DECK--stay the course
It WILL be, better than FINE!

So now
let's really do the exact math:
* Your 4 REAL ACES (on your 1st level) find
ACES (on your 2nd level)
* They find their 4 REAL ACES (on your 3rd
* They find their 4 REAL ACES (on your
4th level)
* They find their 4 REAL ACES (on your
5th level)
* They find their 4 REAL ACES (on your
6th level)
When you multiple 4 x 4 six times, you have
That means if everyone follows this 4
ACES Formula, by staying on course and finding just 4
REAL ACES, you will have over 5000 people who are getting substantial
benefits from these extraordinary life changing
This generates two very nice rewards for

because you
are making a meaningful difference,

How much income can there be in your better future?
If everyone is ordering just the minimum
each month of 50 BV, you will be earning over
per year.
How will that work for you?

But you may be thinking, "Come
on now! Is that realistic?"
Honestly, yes and no.
The FACT is, it is realistic because I had over
850,000 in my group which generated for me a LOT more than $100,000
annually (over nine times that).
I know MANY people who have way more than 5000
in their group on which they are earning weekly checks. I know of at least
50 people in my own group that became millionaires!
So it IS realistic. Absolutely it is
And it is realistic for you, IF you keep
commitment and follow this 4 ACE 2
But in another sense, it is NOT realistic
in this respect: not everyone who CLAIMS to be a REAL
ACE will prove to be a REAL ACE!
So when you see that one of your four
ACES is not a REAL ACE, it's simple--just go
back to your deck and just find another ACE!
That is what everyone needs to do when that
happens, which it will. I
guarantee it!
So how LONG will this take to get to 5000
active people and be earning $100,000 a year?
I don't know for you, but I do know this.
It is realistic to enroll 4 people in your
first week--some do it their first day.
But most take longer than a month, some
enroll just 1 or 2, and some never do
which just shows that they were "fake
i.e. not a true ACE!

then it will take only 6

then it will take 12

then it will take 18

then it will take 24
If someone follows this 4 ACE
"Impossible to Fail"
2 Step Formula, finding their 4 REAL ACES is always
just a matter of time, which means
that it is INEVITABLE, that eventually, you'll be better than
fine whether that takes you 1 year or 4 years.
For full disclosure, you need to
understand these
ten factors that determine whether your income
be more, or be less than $100,000 as
The 4 negative usually are far outweighed by
6 VERY positive factors, as you will see below!
Four "negative" factors that could make your income LESS
than illustrated:
1. The volume in each of the two legs you
will be building is never exactly the same as illustrated because not
everyone will do what they claim they will do, plus some people will
invest way more than 4 hours per week and thus move faster which creates a
short term imbalance.
So the extent that one side is less than
the other will lessen your income according to that percentage.
So if your left side is 20% less in volume
than your right side, your income will be 20% less for that week.
You offset this by putting more attention
into the people on the weaker side (leg) so it can close the gap.
2. Some people will not order every month or
will order less than 50 BV (although the company average is $100)
3. Some people, for one of 3 reasons
(explained below in the Parable of the Sower and 4 Soils), will
not ever get their 4 ACES, even though they had committed to
do whatever it takes to do so.
4. Your Team bonuses are capped. Because you
get paid for unlimited levels, to stay solvent, the company has to
limit the amount it can pay per position.
So the maximum you can earn in Team
(Binary) income in one position is $12,000 per week, regardless how
large your group got.
Sorry--but I am pretty sure you will learn
to manage with that limitation.
SIX Positive Factors that could make your income it MORE than
1. Many people will order more than the minimum 50 Business
Volume (about $65) every month (the average is 100--mine is over
2. Many of your people will sponsor MORE than just
In fact, ALL your REAL ACES will
enroll more than four because no one gets their 4 ACES in
the first 4 cards! So you still get paid on the volume from all the people
who are not ACES.
Plus, just out of the passion for helping people,
many will enroll dozens of people like I have (over 75 personally
enrolled so far).
3. If everyone in your group had just one customer (retail
or member) who was not a builder, that itself would DOUBLE your
If everyone had 4 customers, that would quadruple
your income!
4. You probably will be getting "Love From Above"
which is AKA "spill over."
This means that when someone sponsors their third
and additional people, they have to go under someone else in their
I have people in my group that have
hundreds of people placed under them as "Love From Above."
Most likely, you will get some too, as does everyone, who has a sponsor
that brings in at least 4 people.
5. The above illustration only includes people and their volume
on your first 6 levels!
But you get paid on your 7th level and beyond as well.
E.g. if everyone on your 6th level
sponsored just ONE person, that would by itself DOUBLE your income.
If everyone on your 6th level sponsored 4
even if they were not ACES, that would increase your volume and income by FIVE
For example, I already am getting paid on
levels far beyond my first 6 levels. In fact, I get paid on volume in
over 150 levels deep!
6. The above illustration does not even count the other 13
ways to earn income.
In addition to your basic income from team bonuses
from your two legs (binary), here are five
more ways you will also get paid:
* Fast Start
* Mentor
* Matching
* Rank
Advancement Bonuses
* Profit
Sharing Bonuses from THREE
Plus working with Anovite, you can get car bonuses
starting at $100 per week up to $375 per week.
Plus you can qualify for free luxury trips every
year (I recently enjoyed a fantastic company paid trip to Hawaii in
October 2016!).
How would you feel if you earned $1000 your first
What would that do for your confidence and
In addition to long term income, you can also
earn $1000 in your first 4 weeks because we DOUBLE your Fast Start
bonuses on the $299 packs during your first 28 days.
All you need to do to earn $1000 is enroll 6
people with the $299 pack, whether they are ACES or even
just product users, but it has to be done within your first 28 days to
get the DOUBLE bonuses.
Not only do you benefit from the $1000
you've earned, but even more valuable is that now you can use your
fast success story to inspire others to believe that THEY can do it
too since you did it.
Plus with this taste of success, your
belief in yourself will be stronger, which means you can now make
money even faster and be better at inspiring others to make money faster
This creates a bigger win for everyone, including
the people getting priceless value from using the products.
2000 years ago, a famous Jewish Rabbi told
this insightful story about a sower sowing seed into 4 kinds of
Do you remember the story (parable)? Read
it in Mark 4:1-20 & Luke 8:4-15.
According to this fascinating story, some
seed landed on hard ground.
Remember what happened?
Some seed landed on rocky soil.
Remember what happened?
Some seed landed on soil with thorns
and weeds.
Remember what happened?
Some seed landed on good fertile
Remember what happened?
The seed represented a critically important MESSAGE and INVITATION (in the original story, the message / invitation was about
the coming kingdom).
The condition of the soil represented the heart
condition of the listener.
So of course the seed landing on the hard ground
(heart) didn't even have a chance to grow because the birds snatched this
good seed up.
So here
are 4 gold nugget insights in this story for you.
1) Some of
your good seed/invitations inevitably
will land on ground that is hard. These are
with a "heart condition" classified as hard because they are closed
minded about the life saving gift that you are offering.
They may have a warm heart in their family, but
in terms of your message/invitation, they have a hard heart that prevents
them from accepting your offer. They may be a good customer, but it
is unlikely they will join.
But no problem--there is more ground to cover!
2) Some of your good seed/invitations will land on ground
with a lot of rocks under the surface.
The soil looks good, and the person is initially is quite happy and
excited, and they join your team.
They LOOK like a real ACE, but
because of the rocks below the surface (false limiting beliefs such as lack of confidence or
motivation), their roots are not able to go deep enough to last in this heart
full of rocks (limiting false beliefs).
So "they
believe for a while,
in the time of testing,
fall away."
3) Some of your good seed/invitations will land
on ground with too many "weeds and thorns."
So the life of the sprouting seed is choked out by
fear, anxiety, worry and other pleasurable
distractions--so they don't survive either.
These are the ones with hearts infected
with anxiety, fear, worry, as well as too many competing distractions
that give short term pleasure rather than the long term pleasure from
staying in the game and winning.
This heart condition is the insecure heart with way
too much anxiety.
4) But the good news, is that SOME of your good seed
that you are sowing (4 hours or more per week) lands on good fertile soil (these are the REAL
According to the master teacher's
this 4th soil represents...
"those with a noble and good heart, who
hear the message, hold on to it, and by persistence, produce
a harvest of thirty, sixty or ONE HUNDREDFOLD."

So those are the three reasons most people do
not last--because they have a serious "heart condition"
that prevents them from being an ACE!
To reinforce these critical concepts in this
enlightening parable, take 3 minutes right now to watch this animated
The truth is, YOU won't make it either, unless
you make sure your heart condition is "noble and good" which
will give you the drive, belief, motivation and strong
enough commitment to BE THE EXCEPTION.
Being the EXCEPTION positions and empowers you to create YOUR harvest
of 30X, 60X and even 100-FOLD, that could exceed $100,000 per year of
stable income, even starting with working just 4 hours per week!
THAT is why you MUST
Even if you don't feel special or
exceptional, you can still choose to be the exception; and over time,
by staying in the game, you will become quite exceptional!
To create
an income of $100,000, all you need is just 4 ACES who
yourself choose to BE THE EXCEPTION, and become the winner
they were meant to be, just like you are meant to be!
To reinforce this, take 2 minutes right now to
watch this inspiring video, "BE THE EXCEPTION" by Darren
Hardy, at
If you want to really ACCELERATE your progress
and success, you must harness the power of HABITS.
Here's an excellent short 7 minute animated video
on the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People that YOU and all your people MUST see!
Click here to see it now:
If you consistently live and do your business with
will be a WINNER,
with the 2nd Habit of "Begin with the End in
Mind," I am giving you my Empowerment Worksheet that
once you fill it out, you will have the ROCKET
to take your Star Ship Anovite Enterprise to
the stars!
I've attached it for you. I urge you to complete
it and
return it to me within 24 hours because it will
energize and empower you to be UNSTOPPABLE, and definitely make it IMPOSSIBLE
TO FAIL, and make your Success INEVITABLE!
So...can you see yourself earning $100,000 per
Can you believe it?
Can you embrace this truth in this poster?
By the way,
your future $100,000 annual Anovite
income is the equivalent of getting an
rate of 1% from a bank on TEN MILLION
and living on the interest! (Bank of
current interest rate for a deposit is only .015%!).
How SECURE would you feel if you
were living off the interest on TEN MILLION DOLLARS?
How FREE would you feel?
How would you LIVE your life,
and what would you
want to do when you have this kind of income?
On a scale of 0 to 10, how badly do you want
to feel SECURE and FREE Financially?
If you're not at a 9 or 10, then this program
probably is not for you.
But if you are at a TEN, and if you are
100% to follow this 4 ACE 2 STEP
FAIL FORMULA, then it's just a matter of time
that you will be able to live the lifestyle
your dreams.
You've probably had more than your fair share of
disappointments in business, RIGHT?
THIS is the one that can make up for all the
that didn't work out so well!
So now it's YOUR TURN!
My vision is to help and empower 1000 people earn
100,000 per year.
Do you want to be one of them, right?
One last important point I need to make to put
every thing in proper perspective.
Ultimately, the most important benefit we are
offering people is not wealth, it's better
THAT is what is most priceless, right?
one accept your invitation to join the party,
the biggest win is that your reach is being
extended in helping others with their health!
Well, I've perhaps made this too long with too
much detail, but I wanted you to fully understand not just how this can work,
but how it can work for YOU!
So was it worth it to take the time to read all
Was it worth your time to watch the videos?
To get the FULL value and impact from this
because we forget more than half of what we
I am asking you to do yourself a big favor and
this through 3 times, ok?
Call me or your sponsor if you have any
questions, ok?
I am here for you. We are here for you.
We believe in you.
I hope you are a REAL ACE with
that "noble and good heart" because that is the kind of person we
need to get this life changing life enriching message to the world!
Happy Heart Ray Gebauer
Master Coach and Trainer
Inspiring & Guiding You to Greatness
- International Speaker and
Author of Eight Best Selling Books
- 40 years of empowering others
to feel better & live longer
- Generated a Billion Dollars of
sales with a single company
"Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, when it is
in your power to act." King Solomon (3000 years ago), Proverbs 3:27
"Give up your small ambitions,
and come with me to save the world." - St. Francis Xavier
"It is very dangerous
to go into eternity with possibilities which one has oneself prevented from
becoming realities...A possibility is a hint from God. One must follow it." Soren Kierkegaard 1813
– 1855
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