I got a good story. Want to hear it?
As you already know, most people are STRESSED
and STRUGGLING with financial pressure and
78% of working adults are living paycheck
to paycheck.
Just trying to survive.
No security. No plan B. Stressed every month.
Most people have all their eggs in one
small fragile financial basket.
Some people are living on the edge...could
suddenly lose everything.
Did you know that STRESS from not having
enough money increases your risk of a
sudden fatal heart attack by 1300%?
Just one sudden fatal heart attack could
ruin your whole day, right?
Are you ok with that?
NOTE: I know this message is long, but
it is shorter than a good movie, and this
could change your life.
Be smart and invest your time to carefully
read EVERY WORD of this!
You'll see! Ok, please continue to the end....
So you have two simple options:
1. Do something different, so as to get
different results, such as escaping the
STRESS of not having enough money and
security, and achieve success and significance
2. Do nothing. Just keep doing what you're
doing, learn to live with the STRESS, and
take your chances
Most people choose option One--how about you?
Ready to explore the first option?
Do you see that Option One could be the
better possibility for you and your family?
Most people would like to have the rest
of their life be the best of their life.
How about you?
Most people see this Option One as a fresh,
more exciting, more secure option.
So I am inviting you to...
In 5-6 months, maybe longer, this could be you:
Or will it be more like this?
I have an exciting story for you!
It's a story about YOU, in which you can
become the Hero, in your own story.
As a Compassionate Caring Connecting
Entrepreneur, you can be HELPING a LOT
of people feel better, look better,
feel more FULLY ALIVE, and live longer.
By giving them a simple easy OPTION to
Optimize Self-Healing and get their health
back by showing them how easy it is to get
their body to release their very own dormant
inactive supercells, i.e. their stem cells.
That FEELING you get from helping others--
would you agree that THAT'S MORE REWARDING
than making money?
And as your financial reward, by following
this Strategy Of Minimal Effort (consistently),
you can become a Millionaire on one of three
First become a Level One CASH FLOW Millionaire.
Being a CASH FLOW Millionaire...
How would that make you feel?
So exactly what IS a "Level One"
CASH FLOW Millionaire?
That would be YOU, once you have a
monthly income equivalent to the
interest you would receive from a bank
on a million dollars ($1,000,000.00).
E.g. Bank of America normally pays
between .3% and 1%, depending on terms.
So at the high end, let's say they paid you
the top rate of 1% on 1.2 million dollars
in a Certificate of Deposit.
That means you get $12,000 a year.
That's $1000/month.
That makes you a Level One CASH FLOW Millionaire!
This is the GRAND PRIZE of Royalty type
(AKA residual) Income.
As a Caring Connector in your Cerule
Adventure, you get a simple impossible-to-fail
way to earn money while you sleep, that's
NOT LIMITED to just what YOU DO.
Instead, it's based on what you START, and
then on the Minimal Effort of others.

So, imagine yourself as a Level One
CASH FLOW Millionaire, earning money
while you sleep, with Multiple
Streams of Income...
How does that make you feel?
How much difference would it make in your life?
And good news! It could get even better,
Once you reach $1000/month, it doesn't just
stop there.
$1000/month CASH FLOW Millionaire can be
just the first milestone in your Cerule
Then it is inevitable, that within just a
matter of time that you reach $2000/month,
then $5000, and if you stay on track, over
Full disclosure--most people will NOT do
what it takes to achieve these levels,
but with our help, by just doing a
the exception.
Some of you (most people don't) will eventually
become a Level TWO CASH FLOW Millionaire by
actually EARNING a million dollars a year!
I've done this myself before and am on the
way to doing it again, AND helping others
get there too, like even maybe you!
My partner, Mark Parsekian, has ALREADY
earned over a million dollars with Cerule
within his first four years.
My goal is to help 1000 people become
Cash Flow Millionaires in Cerule within
two years.
That means that ONE MILLION DOLLARS will
be paid per month to those 1000 IBO's
(1000 people times $1000 a month equals
$1,000,000 a month!).
Cerule is already paying out $700,000 a
month in commissions and bonuses to the
IBO's, which will probably exceed a
MILLION dollars a month by the end of 2021.
I believe that YOU can be one of these
Cash Flow Millionaires (CFM's).
Would you like to be one of these 1000 CFM's
in our Cerule Community?
And imagine if you can help a dozen people
get there too...like having 12 disciples!
You'd be their hero, right?
Some of you may eventually become a Level THREE
Millionaire by actually accumulating a net worth
of a million dollars!
of a million dollars!
What do you need to DO, for YOU to become a CASH FLOW Millionaires by working with me,
your sponsor and Mark Parsekian in Cerule?
Life can be HARD
Difficult and CRUEL
This could be your time
To win with Cerule.
Strategy Of Consistent Minimal Effort
(The Power of ONE)
This simple model is based on you and everyone
in your group doing a minimal effort of helping
just one person a month come into your community
as an active advocate (Independent Business Owner).
Now that's believable and very attainable.
Most people will say, "I can do that!"
Isn't that what you thought too?
If you knew you would be a Level One
CASH FLOW Millionaire (earning $1000
a month) in 5 months, and earning
$10,000+ a month in 12-24 months, wouldn't
you do whatever it takes to MAKE SURE
that you've helped at least ONE person start
a month, and MAKE SURE that everyone else
also did this minimal effort?
However, in your first month, YOU will
want to "hit the gas pedal" by actually
enrolling THREE instead of just one.
It's because by doing that, you will
recover 100% of the money you invested
when you started. Sound good?
Also by doing this in just your first month,
helping 3 people join instead of just one,
you can expect your long term income to
TRIPLE, even if no one else does that!
You'll be a Level One CASH FLOW Millionaire
(earning $1000 a month) in just 5 months if
you and everyone else stays consistent with
their commitment to this simple plan to enroll
just one person a month, with at least the
"personal pack" for $299, and stay active
with a Wellness pack plus one bottle (four
bottles total for $200).
You'll be earning DOUBLE THAT ($2000/month)
the next (6th) month, if you and everyone
else stays consistent with their commitment
to this strategy of MINIMAL EFFORT to enroll
just one person a month.
Your income will DOUBLE AGAIN ($4000/month)
the next (7th) month, PLUS another $5000 in
a Rank Advancement Bonus for a total earned
of $10,000), but ONLY IF you and everyone else
stay consistent with their commitment to this
MINIMAL EFFORT strategy/plan to enroll just
one person a month.
IF everyone actually stays true to this ONE
NEW IBO A MONTH PLAN, at the end of the year,
just your monthly unilevel income through 7
levels would be over $50,000 a month.
Plus you would be getting an override on
the entire company because you would be at
the Chairman Rank.
But it probably will not work out quite like
this, because at least half of the people
who "agreed" to this minimal effort strategy will
miss one or more months of helping just one
person join.
They will "break the chain."
You can't count on everyone doing what they
said they would do, even when the reward is
so compelling and spectacular!
So what if instead, your income at the end
of your first year was only $4000 or $5,000
a month?
Would you be ok with that?
What if it took you 2-4 years to reach
$10,000, or $50,000 a month?
Would it be worth it to "stay in the game?"
To help people stay consistent with keeping
on track with this MINIMAL EFFORT Strategy,
I highly recommend five things:
with them at least once a week to remind
them to "not break the chain."
2. To offset and make up for the ones who
do "break the chain," by not enrolling one
IBO a month, set the example yourself, and
encourage your members to shoot for enrolling
ONE per week.
Some IBO's, including myself, help 10 or more
people join in a single month. The record in
one month is 147!
So helping ONE person per week is definitely
doable, and ONE per month is a minimal effort
(sort of like minimum wage).
3. Strongly encourage your new enrollees,
and teach them to encourage their new
enrollees, to do what you did, which is
to earn 100% of your investment back the
first month by enrolling three people with
the same pack or higher that you started
with, rather than just one enrollment the
first month.
Helping three people join the first month
also generates your first of six Rank
Advancement Bonuses, of an extra $100 (with
a group volume of 1000 points).
Subsequent Rank Advancement bonuses (fast
track) are $300, $750, $1500, $2500 and
$5000 for a total of $10,100.
4. Commit to having at least 3 Preferred
customers (not IBO's) getting a Wellness
Pack (3 bottles) each month, and encourage
your people to do the same, BECAUSE that
gives each of you an extra $150 per month
which pays for your own Wellness Pack which
makes it "free."
Plus if everyone did this in addition to
enrolling one IBO a month, these three
Preferred Customers would quadruple your
volume and get you to Chairman in 1/4th
the time!
5. Make it your "rule" and your HABIT, to
have at least ONE conversation per day with
someone who needs to hear about this, and
get your members to agree to this as well.
You can do that in just 5-30 minutes a day!
If at all possible, I recommend that you
commit to at least 1-2 hours per day in
creating your better future with Cerule,
because it WILL pay off for you!
In my personal experience, in another company,
I reached $30,000 a month my first year.
Within 14 years, my group actually grew to
almost a MILLION people and I earned over
ten million dollars (not typical, but it IS
But for now, all YOU need to do is just
focus on your first milestone of becoming a
Cash Flow Millionaire, because with this
MINIMAL EFFORT Plan, THAT is very doable.
You'll see.
Ask yourself this serious question...
"Can I do this?"
If your heart tells you "yes, I think so",
why is it that you feel you could do this?
If you are leaning toward maybe or yes,
Then I'm inviting you to join the party/adventure
and play this "Superbowl game",
1. Join us as an IBO for just $25 and invest
into yourself and your better future
(making your dream come true) by buying
one of the Fast Start Packs.
It's critical that you take this business
just as seriously as if you had paid or
financed a franchisee for a million dollars
because it has the same or greater value.
Most people will take advantage of the
business packs if they realize the value,
especially the "Super Pack" for $1499 which
gives you a much greater value, including being
"grandfathering" into a higher rank which
means you are immediately paid down further
Plus the company waives the $25 membership
fee when you start with the $499, $999 or
$1499 business pack which means you are joining for
FREE, and you get free shipping too.
By joining with a bigger pack, you will
make more money faster because most people
will do what you did.
Are you ok with earning just a $100 fast
start bonus when you enroll someone on
the $299 pack if instead you could be
earning $350 or $500?
And it's far more beneficial for them as well.
Enroll just 3 IBO's who get the pack you
got in the first month, and you've got all
your money back.
The best value is the "Super Pack" whether
or not you are a doctor or any kind of
If there is ANY way you can afford it, I
urge you to take advantage of the $1499 Super
pack because you get the best value.
PLUS, by helping just three people get this
same Super Pack, and with just one of them
doing the same thing in a calendar month,
your NET COST per bottle is only $11.66
(vs. $79 retail)!
That is in addition to having earned $15000
by enrolling just three people with this Super pack!
2. Before you complete your order, set up
your auto-ship of a Wellness Pack of the
three products of your choice (priceless,
but a $250 retail value for only $150)
plus a 4th bottle to either use or have
to give as a sample bottle or to sell.
Most people get one or two StemEnhance
Ultra, the Cyactive and PlasmaFlow (that's
what I did).
This gives you an additional discount and
you get free shipping too.
As soon as you have 3 Preferred customers
getting the wellness pack, your Wellness
Pack is essentially free because you get
an extra $150 monthly bonus.
3. Is it ok if I HELP you help your first
three people to join you? I'll talk to
them FOR you!
DO NOT try to do this all by yourself, ok?
Mark and I are eager to help YOU get to
where you want to go as fast as you want
to get there, especially to being a "Cash
Flow Millionaire" within 5-6 months, ok?
Then to make this work for everyone, each
person joining your team would follow these
same three easy steps too.
If you implement this simple strategy, I
PROMISE YOU, becoming a Level One CASH FLOW
Millionaire becomes far easier, faster and
actually inevitable.
EVERYONE who has embraced and followed this
proven formula of consistent MINIMAL EFFORT
has succeeded.
You will too IF you and your people just
follow the Minimal Effort Strategy/plan.
The members on your team can all become
Cash Flow Millionaires too if they follow
your example. I promise.
By following this MINIMAL EFFORT Strategy,
you will become the HERO in your own story.
You will surprise your family and friends.
You'll get more respect and appreciation.
Instead of chasing the Dream, you will be
able to live the Dream--YOUR Dream.
Plus you'll be the HERO for your team by
leading the way and helping them get to
where they want to go, and live their dream!
By the way, what is YOUR dream?
My dream is to help one million people
optimize their self-healing by using Cerule
Maybe your dream would be to help 10,000
people, or maybe just 1000, through the
collective efforts of your community.
If 1000 seems hard to believe, imagine
helping 100 people.
Mother Theresa once said,
"If you can't feed (help) 100 people, feed one."
That's all you need to do--just help ONE person
a month using this MINIMAL EFFORT STRATEGY,
and encourage your growing community to follow
the same simple strategy of helping just ONE
person a month, consistently.
So are you ready to go? Want to start?
So now the next step is up to you.
Just get back to the person who believed in
you enough to share with you this pathway to
becoming a Cash Flow Millionaire and say one
of three things:
1. "Thanks but no thanks--I already have
enough money and feel totally secure", or,
"I don't believe I can do this."
2. "Sounds great, but I have a couple questions"
3. "I'm all in! I don't have a better plan!
I want to be a Social Entrepreneur, and be the
HERO in my own story by making a difference for
LOTS of people who DESERVE better health and
become a Cash Flow Millionaire! Let's start now!"
You ALSO get "Bridge Money" immediately,
as often as every week, along the way, as
you and your team build the Residual Income
on your way to Cash Flow Millionaire.
Your Bridge Money is the Fast Start Bonuses
(30% commission) you get every time you help
someone get a pack of products, as an IBO.
So for example, let's say you could only
afford to get the Personal Pack for $299
which gives you your choice of 6 bottles.
As soon as you help three people do that,
you've earned $300, so yours now is "free."
Better yet, you get the Pro Pack for $499
(which saves you the $25 enrollment fee).
You get more product and as soon as you
help three people do that, you've earned
your money back, so yours now is "free."
Even better is to get the Elite Pack for $999.
You get 22 bottles. Enroll three people with
this pack, and you got your money back!
Now every time you help someone join your
team at this level, you earn $325.
So ten people who get this pack earns you $3250!
But the best option, which is what most people
do if they can afford it (or borrow the money),
is get the SUPER (Practitioner) Pack for $1499
(retail value is $2400).
You get 30 bottles. Enroll just three people with
this pack, and you got your money back!
Now every time you help someone join your
team at this level, you earn $500.
So ten people who get this pack earns you $5000!
in this exciting "Bridge Money" their first
month! Maybe you will too!
Wait...there's more!
Over the span of 6-13 months, you can earn
an EXTRA $10,000 in extra bonus money from
just 6 Rank Advancements!
How would an extra $10,000 bonus make you feel?
In my first six months, I earned the $10,000
Rank Advancement bonuses, which means I am
qualified for the free trip to Hawaii.
You can do it too!
Cerule just did something borderline INSANE--definitely UNPRECEDENTED!
They increased the $10,000 rank Advancement Bonuses by 100 TIMES!
That means that instead of earning $10,000 in extra bonuses, you can receive up to ONE MILLION DOLLARS!
UNBELIEVABLE! But it's for real!
Roses are red
Violets are blue
This is something
THIS is an exciting life-changing game you can play, and WIN!
Everyone on your team can win!
Just get serious, make a serious one-year commitment, and Mark and I will help you so that it's IMPOSSIBLE TO FAIL, and your success will become INEVITABLE.
* WHY? (What's your dream?)
I recommend that an easy and effective way to educate people about how they can earn money while helping people is by sending them to other posts on this blog, especially these:
1. Get "Clear and Certain" about WHY you and your friends should have and go for their dream by Building Your Business with us, and what it will cost to not chase your dream.
2. Take advantage yourself, and make sure all your people do too, of the Guaranteed Success Formula Checklist and complete all the assignments within 7 days.
3. Like having an "unfair advantage?
Discover the Top Five Unfair (business) Advantages that You and Your Friends Get in CERULE.
4. Are you OK with putting all your eggs in one basket?
5. Seven Ways ANYONE can Afford the Healthcare (including Cerule products) they need.
6. How You (and anyone) can become a PhD (Productive Happy Director) in 90 days
Click here: PHDINFIVEWEEKS (being revised)
7. How you can earn $100,000 working just four hours per week
Click here: 4HOURWEEK (being revised)
Start with listening to some of my
150+ my trainings on my weekly
Radio Show, starting with the first
in my series of 9 shows on the Secret
Cure for Stress, Anxiety and Fear
using the Four Dimensions of Complete
Success By Design Coaching, by my favorite
Coach, Russ DeVan
Just call 605-475-4991 Anytime
Access # 64 1926
Reference # (varies by class)
Class One--How to Get People Interested by and Listening Identifying Concerns
605-475-4991 Access # 64 1926 Reference 37#
Or click here: bit.ly/RUSSDEVANSESSION1
Class Two--Prospecting Part I
605-475-4991 Access # 64 1926 Reference 38#
Class Three--Prospecting Part II
605-475-4991 Access # 64 1926 Reference 41#
Class Four--Goal Setting vs. One Year Project
605-475-4991 Access # 64 1926 Reference 42#
Class Five--Enrolling
605-475-4991 Access # 64 1926 Reference 43#
Class Six: Questions and Answers
605-475-4991 Access # 64 1926 Reference 44#
Class Seven: Questions and Answers
605-475-4991 Access # 64 1926 Reference 45#
Class Eight: Questions and Answers
605-475-4991 Access # 64 1926 Reference 46#
Class Nine: Questions and Answers
605-475-4991 Access # 64 1926 Reference 47#
Class Ten: Questions and Answers
605-475-4991 Access # 64 1926 Reference 48#
Or click here: J.MP/SUCCESSBYDESIGN-10
The REST of your life can be the BEST of your Life
IF you follow this system and let me help you, Failure is IMPOSSIBLE, and your Success is INEVITABLE!
Sadly, MOST people will fail because they will NOT
follow our system, but YOU can BE THE EXCEPTION
if you are coachable and commit to never quit!
We can help you do that! I promise!
Ray Gebauer
Your Cerule Connection, Support and Trainer
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