How to Create a “Golden
of 10,000 Members
How would you feel if you could actually have 10,000 members on your Cerule Community providing you with 10,000 streams of income?
How would THAT change your life?
I am recommending that you try out a new simple breakthrough strategy I’ve created
that will make it EASIER for you to…
HELP people more easily, and in a way
that does not feel like selling because you will simply be doing two things:
1. Asking them to do a favor for you to help you out because you are having your Grand Opening for your new business
2. You will be doing a favor for them at the same time by offering a free membership after asking them to help you by becoming one of your 10,000 customers in your expanding global Cerule Community.
This is a K.I.S.S. strategy: Keeping It Simple &
One of the biggest advantages of this approach is that
everyone feels comfortable and honored from the very beginning because you are asking for a favor, as well as giving them something of value for FREE.
This FREE MEMBERSHIP (either as a Preferred Customer or as an Independent Business Owner, if they acquire a business package) allows them to get
wholesale pricing of extraordinary health enriching and health-restoring food products
as well as valuable education about how to be healthy.
Plus a preferred customer or IBO membership is also the first step in positioning them to generate extra money so they can at least get their products at zero net cost and have long-term Multiple Streams of Income.
Remember, you are doing them a huge favor with potentially
life-changing benefits by offering them this gift of a Free membership.
Most companies, like Costco, Sam’s Club, Fitness Centers etc. charge a FEE, but with you, a preferred customer membership is FREE!
Most companies, like Costco, Sam’s Club, Fitness Centers etc. charge a FEE, but with you, a preferred customer membership is FREE!
You can offer this gift over the phone, through a text, on
Facebook, Messenger, Skype, ZOOM, or even in person at a coffee shop or in your
I've tested and done this myself with over 20 people so far. So far 90% have accepted my offer to become a free member. Not everyone will say yes, but most will!
Will 90% say YES to you? Probably.
Would you be happy with 80%? Find out how percentage you get.
It's simple and easy.
I've tested and done this myself with over 20 people so far. So far 90% have accepted my offer to become a free member. Not everyone will say yes, but most will!
Will 90% say YES to you? Probably.
Would you be happy with 80%? Find out how percentage you get.
It's simple and easy.
By the way, want a FREE all-expenses paid trip to Hawaii at the end of 2021?
You only need 300 customers (and/or IBO's) ordering an average of 3 bottles per month, e.g. the Wellness Pack, or 454 members ordering an average of just 2 bottles per month.
Either one advances you to the 50K rank status and gets you this free trip!
I am expecting to see you in Hawaii, because you will do whatever it takes to win it, right?
And I'll help you, so that it will be impossible to fail and your success will be inevitable as long as you stay committed and consistent.
So, ready, set, GO!!!!!
So let’s say you are reaching out to Julie. You can say
something like this:
Hi Julie. How are you doing? (connect and take some time to catch up).
I have some news
to share with you (pause for a response).
Did you know that 78% of working adults are living paycheck to paycheck?
Have you heard that more and more people are now working out of their home?
Looking at all the advantages, I decided to work out of my home.
But what makes it so exciting, is that I’ve actually started my
I’ve actually acquired the global marketing
rights from a 20-year-old company (reorganized 4 years ago under the name Cerule) to an extraordinary “Secret Food”
that helps people feel better, look better and actually BECOME younger.
It works by reactivating your own stem cells that you already have in your bone marrow. What this means is your body is once again able to repair and replace damaged cells with YOUNG cells, like we had in our 20's.
It’s already made a huge difference for
me--here's what happened...(tell your story if you have one yet).
So I need to ask you a favor.
You’ve heard of Costco and Sam’s Club, right?
Ever shop there? You like to save money, right?
Did you know that Costco has about 100 MILLION
members? They all pay an annual fee of $60 to $120 just to get a better deal. Everyone
likes better deals, right?
With MY company, my goal is to have just one-tenth of 1% of the members that Costco has, which means I will eventually have 10,000 members. That will take about 3-4 years.
One of my business partners already has over 10,000 members and has already earned over one million dollars in the last four years.
One of my business partners already has over 10,000 members and has already earned over one million dollars in the last four years.
So I'm doing a Grand Opening of my business this month, and this is where I need your help and a favor.
My goal is to have 100 new members this month [or you can choose a different number--whatever you are comfortable with, e.g. 50 or 25 or 10].
If I was opening a pizza shop, and gave you a coupon for a discount, you'd come and try it out, right?
So if I give you a free membership, can you do me a favor and help me with my Grand Opening today by becoming one of my first 100 customers?
Julie says something like this: sure, or probably...So how do I get it? Or, how much does it cost? Or, what does it involve?
I’ll take care of it for you right now. To start, I need your mailing and email
address, and if you are ok with it, your date of birth.
How would you feel about actually being YOUNGER by your next birthday?
(Or if she wants to know the cost...)
Julie, you have 2 options.
1. You can become my Preferred Customer with the free membership I'll give you, which allows you to get it at below wholesale. If it's ok with you, I would like you to be my customer for a full 90 days so you can get the best results, but you can always cancel it anytime if you want to for any reason. Most people see benefits within a few hours or within a few days, They also have a 30-day money-back guarantee which means you have no risk.
2. The other popular option, that gives you an even bigger discount is to take advantage of one of the packs like I did, because that way you save even more money, and can usually get your products for essentially free.
(Julie may want to learn more about this before she makes a final decision as to which products she wants to get, in helping you in your Grand Opening by being one of your first customers.)
If so, say...
My business partner has a good story. It’s in a fascinating one minute video showing an animal growing back it's leg after it's been cut off.
When would you have a minute to watch it?
Julie: Right now if it's only a minute.
Do you have a piece of paper handy? (better than texting (do that as well as a back up) because if they physically write it down, they are far more likely to take action and go see it)
Julie, write down this short link:
www.J.MP/Regrowlegs (with a capital R) (there is no .com)
So can you go to that website right now? I'll wait.
After she has seen the short video of the Salamander regrowing the leg that was cut off, ask her how she felt about what she saw.
Explain that our bodies are already doing this, but to a lesser degree.
But when we reactivate our stem cells that are in "lockdown" in our bone marrow, they are released within minutes, so they can go out and fix and regenerate any damaged tissue or organs including our brain, heart, eyes, kidneys, nervous system and joints.
By age 65, only 10% of our stem cells are available to repair and replace cells. The other 90% are stuck in "lockdown" until they are released.
Be sure to personalize this to her by asking what issues, conditions or concerns she has, and explain how reactivating her stem cells can help HER improve and get better, including getting rid of pain and inflammation, and strengthening the immune system as well.
Also ask her to write down this domain so she can take a look at this educational article on Stem Cells at
Also remember to import her contact info into the Rapid Funnel Phone App to send her by text or email the Stem Enhance product videos #2 and #3.
If she can’t watch the Regrowlegs video right now, ask when
she can, and schedule a time to reconnect after that. Be sure to follow up
because that is part of how we serve and help people)
questions right now?
That’s a good question. Let me talk to you
about that after you’ve seen the video, ok?
So I'll call you back at _______ ideally in a few minutes, or later that day or the next day.
Great talking with you. Call or text me if you have any questions, ok? Bye!
It's quick and easy to help a friend get their Free Membership as a preferred Customer, or as an IBO.
Great talking with you. Call or text me if you have any questions, ok? Bye!
It's quick and easy to help a friend get their Free Membership as a preferred Customer, or as an IBO.
You can either do this FOR them, or walk them through these steps when they go to your website ( Or they may be able to do it on their own.
At your Cerule website, to become a Preferred Customer with a free membership, scroll to the bottom and you (or they) will click on...
I want to order Products!
Then click on SAVE MORE (otherwise they want to be a retail customer and pay full price of $79 a bottle). To get the free membership and the Preferred Customer discounts, they will need to set up an auto-ship.
Remember, you want them to be one of your 10,000 customers for at least 3 months if at all possible, and ideally for life but assure them they can change their mind at any time if they are not thrilled with the results.
The very BEST value as a Preferred customer is the Wellness Pack for $165 (3 bottles at $55 each--ideally one each of the Stem Enhance Ultra, CyActiv and Plasmaflo for best results. Ideally, everyone should be using all three of these extraordinary products).
Most people can afford a monthly Wellness Pack by simply REALLOCATING money they are already spending on other items that are either not as healthy, or downright UNHEALTHY and harmful. See the Seven Reasons and Ways people can easily afford this at J.MP/ANYONECANAFFORD
By the way, as soon as you have three preferred customers getting the Wellness Pack of 3 products each month, you get your Wellness Pack each month for FREE!
They will too if they become an IBO and get three Preferred customers getting the Wellness Pack each month.
IF THEY WANT TO SAVE EVEN MORE, and most likely earn enough to get their products for free for life, and extra income, then at the very top of the page, click on JOIN US, or at the bottom of the page they click on...
In this option, they get a free membership only if they get one of the business packs:
In this option, they get a free membership only if they get one of the business packs:
Pro ($499--11 bottles)
Elite ($999--22 bottles)
Practitioner ($1499--35 bottles)
Or they can get the Personal Fast start pack for just $299 (6 bottles of their choice) and pay a registration fee of $25).
Or if they can't afford the $299 pack, they can get the $49 pack which includes one bottle of their choice, and they pay the $25 enrollment fee.
The next really important step if they do not become a Customer or IBO today, is in your follow up after they have viewed the videos, ideally later that day, or at least the next day if possible.
The next really important step if they do not become a Customer or IBO today, is in your follow up after they have viewed the videos, ideally later that day, or at least the next day if possible.
IDEALLY, you've scheduled an appointment (as professionals like doctors do) for a time to talk rather than leaving it to chance.
At some point, ask what health concerns they have, what medications they are on, and how important it is to them to restore and/or protect their precious health, so that you can assure them that their body can fix those specific concerns or issues, once their stem cells are reactivated (MILLIONS of stem Cells are released from the bone marrow within 15-30 minutes!).
Since our ultimate goal is to help as many people as we can especially with their health, we need to remember we will reach far more people if we harness the power of leverage and duplication.
That's why it's important to find out early on if they are open to making money and explore that possibility.
So always ASK.
Don't ASSUME that they won't be interested. Just ASK!
So you could say something like this.
"By the way, I'm curious if you have any job or financial STRESS in your life, because most people do, and that kind of stress is ESPECIALLY dangerous.
Did you know that people who have stress from not making enough money have a 13 TIMES higher chance of dying from a fatal heart attack?
So do you have any concerns or stress around having enough money?"
If they admit to financial concerns or not being happy with their current work, ask them to tell you more about their concerns or financial pressure.
Then ask if they are open to doing something about it.
Ask if they are open to creating another stream of income like you are doing.
Also always send them this link to my post on the Top Five Unfair Advantages at:
At some point, ask what health concerns they have, what medications they are on, and how important it is to them to restore and/or protect their precious health, so that you can assure them that their body can fix those specific concerns or issues, once their stem cells are reactivated (MILLIONS of stem Cells are released from the bone marrow within 15-30 minutes!).
Since our ultimate goal is to help as many people as we can especially with their health, we need to remember we will reach far more people if we harness the power of leverage and duplication.
That's why it's important to find out early on if they are open to making money and explore that possibility.
So always ASK.
Don't ASSUME that they won't be interested. Just ASK!
So you could say something like this.
"By the way, I'm curious if you have any job or financial STRESS in your life, because most people do, and that kind of stress is ESPECIALLY dangerous.
Did you know that people who have stress from not making enough money have a 13 TIMES higher chance of dying from a fatal heart attack?
So do you have any concerns or stress around having enough money?"
If they admit to financial concerns or not being happy with their current work, ask them to tell you more about their concerns or financial pressure.
Then ask if they are open to doing something about it.
Ask if they are open to creating another stream of income like you are doing.
Also always send them this link to my post on the Top Five Unfair Advantages at:
Here are some ideas of what you can say as recommended by my friend "Big Al."
A simple question or sentence can totally change our prospect's outlook toward us and our business. Try asking one of these questions:
===> Do you think a part-time job would be better for you instead of a part-time business?
(Most prospects will immediately attach themselves to wanting a part-time business. Hey, working a part-time job until age 65 doesn't sound like much fun.)
===> Starting our own business would cost a lot of money ... and is pretty risky, isn't it?
(Most prospects will agree and say that's why they haven't tried. Now they are open-minded toward a business if it doesn't require a lot of money and is not risky.)
===> Would a $500-a-month raise make a big difference?
(Gee, that's $6,000 a year, which would pay for a really nice vacation, a better car, an occasional weekend getaway, or the minimum payment on the VISA card. This question is rejection-free. Even if the prospect says "No," that means the prospect might be looking for bigger money. And we know our prospect can't get this kind of raise from his or her boss.)
REMEMBER, to choose a goal of how many members you are committed to enrolling yourself...
Most people will not do what it takes to create a community of 10,000 members. But ANYONE can if they stay on track. I had almost a MILLION in my Mannatech group after 14 years, and over 10,000 members in my Anovite group in about 3 years.
Here are some ideas of what you can say as recommended by my friend "Big Al."
A simple question or sentence can totally change our prospect's outlook toward us and our business. Try asking one of these questions:
===> Do you think a part-time job would be better for you instead of a part-time business?
(Most prospects will immediately attach themselves to wanting a part-time business. Hey, working a part-time job until age 65 doesn't sound like much fun.)
===> Starting our own business would cost a lot of money ... and is pretty risky, isn't it?
(Most prospects will agree and say that's why they haven't tried. Now they are open-minded toward a business if it doesn't require a lot of money and is not risky.)
===> Would a $500-a-month raise make a big difference?
(Gee, that's $6,000 a year, which would pay for a really nice vacation, a better car, an occasional weekend getaway, or the minimum payment on the VISA card. This question is rejection-free. Even if the prospect says "No," that means the prospect might be looking for bigger money. And we know our prospect can't get this kind of raise from his or her boss.)
REMEMBER, to choose a goal of how many members you are committed to enrolling yourself...
- Per DAY: ___
- Per WEEK: ___
- Per MONTH: ___
Most people will not do what it takes to create a community of 10,000 members. But ANYONE can if they stay on track. I had almost a MILLION in my Mannatech group after 14 years, and over 10,000 members in my Anovite group in about 3 years.
So it IS very reasonable to expect getting 10,000 members (customers and IBO's) in your group within 3-4 years, ESPECIALLY with the strength of these products and the other four "Unfair Advantages" you have with Cerule! See J.MP/TOPFIVEADVANTAGES
If you bring in 100 free members yourself, and you have 10 people in your group who do that (now you have 1100), and if just 10% of those each bring in 100 members each, you now have TEN THOUSAND MEMBERS in your Cerule community.
If only 20% of those 10,000 members order each month, you would be earning a six-figure income.
Good News, but hurry! I'm giving away 10 FREE Memberships today to the first 10 people who PM me! Like to save money? Like a Costco membership, but with no fee. So if you want to save money, feel better, look better and live longer, let's connect! PM or text me at 555-555-5555
7. J.MP/NOTENOUGHMONEYKILLS Not having enough money can KILL you! Discover how to escape the dangerous prison of living paycheck to paycheck (my Radio Show Broadcast)
Success By Design Coaching, by my favorite Coach, Russ DeVan

If only 20% of those 10,000 members order each month, you would be earning a six-figure income.
Good News, but hurry! I'm giving away 10 FREE Memberships today to the first 10 people who PM me! Like to save money? Like a Costco membership, but with no fee. So if you want to save money, feel better, look better and live longer, let's connect! PM or text me at 555-555-5555
Over the span of 6-13 months, you can earn
an EXTRA $10,000 in extra bonus money from
just 6 Rank Advancements!
How would an extra $10,000 bonus make you feel?
In my first four months, I earned the first
half ($5000) of the $10,000 Rank Advancement
bonuses, which means I am halfway qualified
for the free trip to Hawaii. There is still
time for you to do it too!
And there is plenty of time for you to earn
your Rank Advancement bonuses and be with us
in Hawaii this December--YOU CAN DO IT!
Roses are red
Violets are blue
This is something
THIS is an exciting life-changing game you can play, and WIN!
Everyone on your team can win!
Just get serious, make a serious one-year commitment, and Mark and I will help you so that it's IMPOSSIBLE TO FAIL, and your success will become INEVITABLE.
* WHY? (What's your dream?)
I recommend that an easy and effective way to educate people about how they can earn money while helping people is by sending them to other posts on this blog, especially these:
1. Start here. Take advantage yourself, and make sure all your people do too, of the Guaranteed Success Formula Checklist and complete all the assignments within 7 days.
2. The Top Five Unfair (business) Advantages that You and Your Friends Get in CERULE.
3. Getting Clear and Certain about WHY you and your friends should have and go for their dream by Building Your Business with us, and what it will cost to not chase your dream.
4. Are you OK with putting all your eggs in one basket?
5. Seven Ways ANYONE can Afford the Healthcare (including Cerule products) they need.
7. J.MP/NOTENOUGHMONEYKILLS Not having enough money can KILL you! Discover how to escape the dangerous prison of living paycheck to paycheck (my Radio Show Broadcast)
8. http://J.MP/MAKESUCCESSINEVITABLE (My Radio Interviewing Russ DeVan on how to make Failure IMPOSSIBLE and Success INEVITABLE)
9. How You (and anyone) can become a PhD (Productive Happy Director) in 90 days
Click here: PHDINFIVEWEEKS (being revised)
10. How you can earn $100,000 working just four hours per week
Click here: 4HOURWEEK (being revised)
11. J.MP/HOWTOGETREFERRALS (Four short video Lessons)
Want some outstanding FREE Training that will REALLY help you?
Success By Design Coaching, by my favorite Coach, Russ DeVan
Just call 605-475-4991 Anytime
Access # 64 1926 Reference # (varies by class)
Class One--How to Get People Interested by and Listening Identifying Concerns
Reference 37#
Or click here:
Class Two--Prospecting Part I
Reference 38#
Class Three--Prospecting Part II
Reference 41#
Class Four--Goal Setting vs. One Year Project
Reference 42#
Class Five--Enrolling
Reference 43#
Class Six: Questions and Answers
Reference 44#
Class Seven: Questions and Answers
Reference 45#
Class Eight: Questions and Answers
Reference 46#
Class Nine: Questions and Answers
Reference 47#
Class Ten: Questions and Answers
Reference 48#
Or click here: J.MP/SUCCESSBYDESIGN-10
What some additional outstanding FREE Training?

Listen to 100+ Recordings of my Radio Show Trainings at
May the REST of your life be the BEST of your Life!
We can help you do that! I promise!
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